Weak Cori

Weak Cori
Spawns in



10 ()


30 ( × 15)





The Weak Cori is a flying hostile mob that spawns in Eden. The Weak Cori has low health but packs a dangerously strong ranged attack, enough to easily kill unarmored players (and even players with weak armor) in one hit. Even though it has low health, it is still hard to kill due to the fact that it is small and hard to hit with ranged attacks. The Weak Cori makes Ghast sounds when it is firing, making it easier for the player to know when to run for cover.

To kill a Weak Cori, it is recommended to use a fast ranged weapon. One hit will usually kill a Cori due to its low health. If the player has visited the Dungeon of Arcana, homing weapons such as Merik's Missile may be a better choice.

The Weak Cori is a weaker version of the Advanced Cori that spawns in Skythern.


Chance 67%
Amount 1-2

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