Advanced Cori

Advanced Cori
Spawns in



35 ( × 17.5)


100 ( × 50)





The Advanced Cori is a flying hostile mob that spawns in Skythern. It is a stronger, deadlier version of the Weak Cori. The Advanced Cori uses an extremely strong ranged attack that will even kill players with unenchanted high-tier armor such as Apalachia Armor in one hit. The Advanced Cori is especially dangerous because its home dimension, Skythern, is filled with holes to the Void, making it harder to run for cover or guarantee the safety of dropped items. Players who explore Skythern must exercise extreme caution for this mob.

The Advanced Cori should be killed with ranged attacks because it is highly unlikely that the player will be able to get within melee range of the Advanced Cori and survive. Because the Advanced Cori has more health than the Weak Cori, strong ranged weapons such as the Apalachia Bow should be used against it. If the player has obtained one, a homing weapon such as Merik's Missile would be a very good weapon to use against an Advanced Cori.


Chance 67%
Amount 1-2


  • The Skythern Cori has the highest attack power of any mob in DivineRPG, able to deal 100 points (or 50 ) of damage. This is five times the health of the player.

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