
Spawns in

Vethea (all layers)


20 ( × 10)


4 ()





The Hoverstinger is an aggressive flying mob that spawns in all layers of Vethea. The Hoverstinger generally stays close to the ground, but if a player is in sight it will fly higher up to attack the player. Due to their low health and attack strength, Hoverstingers are often considered more of an annoyance than a threat and can be easily dispatched with melee and ranged weapons.

The Hoverstinger is also spawned by the Hive Queen boss. While a single Hoverstinger is not much of a threat, several of them (combined with Hive Soldiers) can quickly swarm and outnumber the player, so it is important to defeat them as soon as possible. Again, this is easy with stronger Vethean melee weapons due to their low health.


Chance 100%
Amount 1


  • The Hoverstinger is the only mob that can spawn naturally on all layers of Vethea.
  • The Ent can spawn on all layers because it spawns whenever a Vethean log is broken, but it does not spawn naturally.

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