Enthralled Dramcryx

Enthralled Dramcryx
Spawns in

Overworld (below y = 15)


80 ( × 40)


7 ()





The Enthralled Dramcryx is a powerful hostile mob that spawns underground in the Overworld. The Enthralled Dramcryx is important because it is the only mob capable of dropping Corrupted Shards used to craft tools, items, weapons, and even the Mysterious Clock used to spawn the Ancient Entity. As such, if the player runs into one underground it is important to defeat it on sight.

Enthralled Dramcryx have a high health value which may make them more dangerous than other underground mobs such as the Cave Crawler. Creating a barrier out of blocks can greatly help any players with weaker equipment take out the Enthralled Dramcryx.

The Enthralled Dramcryx can drop an Arlemite Ingot, but due to the rarity of this drop it may be more efficient to simply mine for Arlemite.


Chance 89%
Amount 1-6

Chance 2.5%
Amount 1


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