Jungle Dramcryx

Jungle Dramcryx
Spawns in

Junge Biome



The Jungle Dramcryx is a hostile mob that spawns naturally in Jungle biomes, in any light level. It is highly recommended to avoid the jungle when starting a new world because this mob is incredibly dangerous and can kill an unarmed player in two hits. They can also spawn in caves beneath a Jungle Biome.

Jungle Dramcryxes move rather slowly, roughly as fast as a cow, so it is possible to out-run them even when walking.

If the player finds themselves in the Jungle without appropriate weapons and armor, they will find that the Jungle Dramcryx will be their greatest threat to their survival. Travelling in the jungle can be extremely difficult - the player may be best off setting up a base wherever they are, and develop a reliable food source (such as bread). Installing the Death Chest mod or setting /gamerule keepInventory to true is advised so they don't die and lose their items. The player will probably be encouraged to return to a safe place anytime they hear a Jungle Dramcryx roar. The player can kill a Jungle Dramcryx using a stone sword, though it may break after killing 2 or 3. Iron armor will be beneficial, at least until they can find better protection.

Another strategy is to set up outpost camps around the players central base. The player should clear out enough land and set up some fences and gates, so that they have at least a 4x4 area inside, and gates on all sides. If they player is being chased by a Jungle Dramcryx, or have one nearby, they can run into the outpost camp, and attack them safely from behind the fence. The 4x4 space inside is to ensure the player can stand back enough from the fence without being attacked. With the players outpost camps they can expand their exploration of the jungle.

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