
Spawns in

Vethea layer 3


70 ( × 35)


17 ( × 8.5)





Basic Information

The Endiku is a strong hostile melee mob that spawns on Layer 3 of Vethea. Endiku attack with a strong melee attack. Endiku are unique because when they get below half health they will run away from players and search for wooden blocks such as Hyrewood Logs to eat. Upon eating a log, the Endiku will recover 8 points of health, or x4. The Endiku will keep eating wooden blocks until it gets back above half health, so it is important for the player to defeat it quickly.

In the upcoming DivineRPG version (1.4.1), the Endiku will be moved out of Vethea and into The Wildwood, and renamed "Behemoth." No other changes are currently known.


Chance 100%
Amount 1


  • The Endiku is part of Vethea. The Endiku introduces a whole new AI and fighting style to DivineRPG.
  • Endiku will eat all kinds of wooden blocks, including vanilla logs and wooden planks.

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