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  • |image= Wildwood Blade Full Size.png ...weapon obtained in [[The Wildwood]]. It is highly recommended to craft the Wildwood Blade once the player has enough materials.
    377 bytes (52 words) - 17:46, 13 July 2015
  • |title=Wildwood Pickaxe ...[[Wildwood Chunk|Wildwood Chunks]] and sticks, and is obtained from the [[Wildwood]] dimension.
    305 bytes (39 words) - 06:43, 24 June 2015
  • ...mond swords but don't use them, or the recipe won't work. For the crafting recipe, look at the photo on the right. ...amazing rate of fire. Note: Only fight The Watcher with the Bowhead Anchor using my (Lulyhead) tricks.
    23 KB (4,277 words) - 04:16, 13 July 2015
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