Search results
- |title=Arlemite Pickaxe ...[[Arlemite Ingot|Arlemite Ingots]] and sticks. It is a relatively low tier pickaxe in DivineRPG and is slightly better than Realmite. ...614 bytes (87 words) - 00:23, 31 August 2015
- |title=Rupee Pickaxe ...d from [[Rupee Ingot|Rupee Ingots]] and sticks. It is slightly better than Arlemite, but has lower durability. ...310 bytes (44 words) - 00:25, 31 August 2015
- ...whole chucks from level 16 to bedrock, as there will always be at least 2 Arlemite and Rupee. Another but slightly more dangerous way is to mine with TNT, as ...s time for the next step; making a sword. WARNING: Do not use any Rupee or Arlemite! ...23 KB (4,277 words) - 04:16, 13 July 2015