Jungle Bat

Jungle Bat
Spawns in

Jungle Biome



The Jungle Bat is a mob that spawns anywhere in Jungle biomes. It has 120 health (Heartx60) and does 17 (Heartx8.5) of damage (deals 20+ Heartx10+ damage in normal, killing in one hit if unprotected). They are not aggressive, and won't attack unless provoked. Even so, they do not forcibly attack the player, and will only cause damage if bumped into. If the player can manage to kill one it will drop Jungle Shards.


It is recommended that the player have enchanted armor better than Realmite Armor. Jungle Bats move extremely fast so it is hard to hit with a bow or even a sword. It is not advised to provoke these creatures as their fast, erratic movement, high amount of health, and high attack power make them hard to kill. Again, bows are not recommended.

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