
Spawns in

Overworld: Underground



Caveclops are hostile mobs which spawn in the Overworld. They can only spawn at Y-Layer 19 and below, regardless of light level. Like Cyclops they have only one eye, and the only difference is that Caveclopes are red with a grey, stone-like head. If the player is noticed, the creature will stare at them for a while before he begins to shoot dark, stone like projectiles with great accuracy and speed, which deals 6 hearts of damage on an unarmored player. It is difficult to kill them with a relatively weak melee weapon (anything that does less than 8 hearts of damage), so it is recommended to use a ranged weapon to kill them. Upon death they will drop Realmite Ingots (Semi-Common) and Golden Pickaxes (Incredibly Common).


The player needs armor, because the mob can kill the player in 2 hits without armor. Even Leather Armor is useful as the player can then withstand 3 hits from the Caveclops. It's highly recommended that the player engages them with a ranged weapon (Anchors, Cannons, Bows, etc.) or a strong melee weapon (something that can kill it in 3 - 4 hits). Ranged weapons are probably a better choice to kill them.


The Caveclops drops 0-6 Realmite Ingots on death. While not as good as Rupee, Realmite early on provides decent defence and weapons for the overworld. Since Caveclops can drop them in abundance, the ability to kill Caveclops with ease will provide the player with a sufficient amount of Realmite to provide them with backup armor, weapons, and tools if needed. While the Gold Pickaxes have a very low durability, they have a decent mining speed, thus can be useful for clearing out rooms or halls in Stone to save durability on your primary pickaxe.

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